Taking 10 with...Chloe Waterson

Taking 10 with...Chloe Waterson

Tuesday 25th June 2019

By Michelle Hammond

Q1 - What shaped your decision to become a Therapist?

Anatomy... I found it to be one of the most interesting subjects through my dance education. This then eventually led me to my spa therapy career. Along with attending spa days regularly once I was old enough, and indulging in face and body skincare. My obsession was to perfect a French manicure from the age of 12 on a weekly basis- I am all about the detail!

Q2 - What is the best thing about being a Therapist?

Working anatomically and understanding why the muscles may be tense, and exploring my clients lifestyle to ensure that when they have left, they can also help to heal themselves at home. I am super passionate about my clients, and when they leave great feedback this is hands down the best praise a therapist can get- and the biggest motivator for doing what we do!

Q3 - What do you believe are the most critical character traits of a successful Therapist?

Successfully developing a repeat clientele. Continuously updating regular clients profiles to assist with targeting your clients key concerns. Observe how the beauty and spa industry develops and progresses, and knowing your brands!

Q4 - Who has influenced you most throughout your career?

Alex Hurt our extremely passionate, intelligent and inspiring Spa Director. Alex has worked across the globe, gained years of spa experience and she tells the best stories. Alex continues to encourage myself and the Weavers’ team to engage with fresh ideas, creating opportunities to develop our knowledge and experience. Also being a part of such a prestigious establishment such as The Swan At Lavenham, this motivates me every day.

Q5 - What is your favourite treatment to give and why?

90 minutes tailored full body massage. Preferably using firm pressure by using forearms and elbows. This massage technique ensures the clients post treatment outcome has noticeably been achieved.  And….. I have some serious pressure!

Q6 - Do you have any pre or post treatment rituals for protection and self care?

Pre-treatment rituals: always try to be organised as much as possible, meditate before my shift starts and drink plenty of water. Post treatment rituals: shake off the energy and drink plenty of water.

Q7 - What is your top beauty tip?

It’s essential to maintain regular massages to target your concerns, massage isn’t just a treat, it’s all about balancing the mind body and soul.

Q8 - How do you invest in your own wellbeing. What do you do to look after yourself?

Just by taking 10-15 minutes for meditation three to five days a week before heading to the spa. Drinking plenty of water, drinking herbal teas and maintaining a healthy well balanced diet. Walks along the beach whatever the season. Regular visits to my parents home in Henley on Thames going on day trips aboard their relaxing and beautiful boats.

Q9 - If you could change one thing about the spa and wellness industry what would it be and why?

This is an extremely difficult question as I continue to thoroughly enjoy the spa and wellness industry.

Q10 - What is the best quote / best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Nothing is impossible the word itself says ‘I’m possible’! - Audrey Hepburn


1. What’s your favourite book

Lord of the rings by J. R. R Tolkien, down time to disappear into fantasy.

2. What’s your favourite film of all time

Torn between Titanic and Bohemian Rhapsody, I just adore both films!

3. If you could have dinner with anyone, past or present, who would it be and why?

Brian May; a Doctor of Astrophysics, a member of my favourite band Queen, a world-renowned guitarist, songwriter, producer and performer. Also a passionate campaigner for animal welfare causes-I have a great love for all animals. Indeed I think he makes one of the most interesting individuals I can imagine having to dinner.

4. You get taken to your favourite place to be, where are you taken?

Mauritius, such an exotic place with bright colours, the large beautiful vibrant flowers, the clear blue sea, the golden sand and palm trees in the distance. You’re guaranteed to see a bale of turtles. I attended my brothers close family wedding in Mauritius.

5. Your perfect dinner is?

Pizza and Prosecco, perfect.

6. Your go to drink is?

A glass of medium bodied Rioja.

7. Your favourite sweet treat is?

Ice cream-light, smooth but sweet.

8. What’s your favourite essential oil / scent?

Sweet orange, increases energy and encourages a positive mood.

9. You go for a treatment - what do you have and why?

90 minutes tailored full body massage. Medium to firm pressure to target stubborn tension, using forearms and elbows.

10. What’s your favourite flower?

Sunflower, Every time one appears it gives of a wow factor.

11. You want to sleep deeply, what do you do?

I consider myself very fortunate as I always seem to sleep rather deeply.

12. You want to energise fast, what do you do?

Listen to one of Queens songs and drink plenty of water or a glass of juice.

13. The theme tune to your life is?

Tricky! I love music, a lot would suit me.

14. What makes you laugh to your belly?

My Weavers’ spa girls and reminiscing about hilarious family moments from past to present.

15. What’s your favourite season?

Winter, I love the cold, prefer the fashions and I’m a winter baby.

16. What’s your favourite colour?

Blue, a relaxing colour. My wardrobe is full of blue stripy shirts.

17. Your favourite time of day is?

Breakfast, the most important meal of the day.

18. If you could have been anyone or anything else, what / who would you be?

Either a London West End Stage Performer or a Police Detective Sergeant. I don’t think these two roles could be more different.

19. What’s your current TV guilty secret?

Erm... it’s a soap.. I can’t help it!

20. Magic dust - you can learn one new skill instantly, what is it?

To play the electric guitar so perfectly, Brian May would have competition.

Chloe Waterson- Senior Therapist at Weavers’ House Spa- Lavenham, Suffolk

Once I graduated from university In BA honours Dance, teaching dance was my foremost focus. Along with the adrenaline rushing performances throughout my life, studying dance led to my fascination for anatomy. As time progressed, and plenty of spa treatments later, my career path diverted to spa therapy. The journey to fulfil my passion for anatomy started by qualifying in beauty therapy from college, I was delighted! My first position as a beauty therapist was at a cheerful and jolly family ran local salon, where I attended various  courses to develop skills and knowledge. The day came when I received such incredible news that Weavers’ House Spa gave me a position! After a few days supporting the reception team of Weavers’, before I knew it Temple Spa came to train me in their exquisite skincare and treatment protocols. Weavers’ from the beginning became my second home... I’m still there!

To learn more about Weavers Spa 

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